Fox 8’s Stefani Schaefer gave an update Tuesday on her husband’s condition. She says Roger is doing better, but his recovery is definitely a “roller coaster.” She also shared some of the tremendously kind gestures made to her by Fox 8 viewers.
“Sometimes, I feel he does know (what has happened), but then sometimes I can tell he doesn’t,” Stefani told co-host Wayne Dawson.
She talked about how Roger, during his first attempt at physical therapy, could not hold up his head. Then, a few days later, in another sign of progress, he did it.
“Yesterday, when we sat him down, he could hold his head up. That’s huge for us.
“He’s such a strong guy. To see someone so strong and so bigger-than-life so weak and helpless, it hurts so bad. It’s so hard. But what helps, are the things from you guys.”
Stefani then showed some grand gestures of caring that she has received, including a board filled with inspiring messages and custom-made prayer emails.
All along, she has been updating her Facebook fan page to let everyone know how Roger is doing. What follows is her complete post from Monday:
“I wanted to share some good news about my Roger. Over the weekend, he started to regain the use of his right side. A few weeks back, he lost the use of the right side and doctors thought he had a stroke. A scan showed it was more major swelling on the left side which affected the right side. He lost movement on the entire right side for a few weeks. On Friday, he started moving his right fingers and toes… and by Saturday, he started moving his right leg and right arm a little bit. God is so good.. and all your prayers are AWESOME! We still have a long way to go… but right now, every day I see such progress and hope! I can’t thank you enough for your continued and powerful prayers! blessings, stef”
Keep checking Stefani’s Facebook fan page for further updates, and please, if you are able, continue to pray for Roger.